Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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5 September 2023 | Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre | Christchurch, New Zealand The world around us is changing rapidly and uncertainty abounds.  What a great time for our Canterbury Tech community to come together, collaborate, share knowledge and discuss

5 September 2023 | Sir Owen G Glenn Building, The University of Auckland Phishing attacks inflict a staggering cost of approximately 3.15 billion dollars per year on businesses in New Zealand. Alarming statistics from the Computer Emergency Response Team of New

An informal ‘meetup’ to connect, share stories and spark discussion. These are a regular monthly Tuesday morning event – feel free to register for the series and join each session as you are able. Typically, they begin with a short presentation from a member

Fund, Upskill, Connect, Solve, Grow For 10 years we’ve been driving a culture of innovation in Aotearoa, helping build R&D capability in Kiwi businesses, connecting researchers, scientists and industry, and supporting the commercialisation of unique ideas.

We are delighted to announce that this year’s Kea World Class New Zealand Awards will take place on Thursday the 7th of September 2023 at the Viaduct Events Centre in Auckland. As a valued World Class New Zealander, we would like to offer you the opportunity to

If digital skills and capability are on your radar – join us this Thursday and be part of the global conversation with the Digital Skills Agency. SFIA version 9 is currently in consultation, and we want to hear the voices of NZ’s tech and digital community in

Practice | Defence | Leadership Sep 11, 2023 08:00 AM (NZST) | Grand Millennium, Auckland – New Zealand As Digital business transformation becomes embedded in organisations across the country, it becomes imperative for security and risk leaders to drive the

About the event Join us in-person for AWS Public Sector Day Wellington to discover how organisations of all sizes are using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to accelerate innovation and drive their missions forward. Explore how the cloud can help you enhance security,