Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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Immerse yourself in incredible stories from New Zealand business leaders and innovators who have survived and thrived in the face of sudden and unprecedented challenges, as COVID-19 turned the world on it’s head. Timed to mark the anniversary of New Zealand’s

Calling all creatives, techies, students, entrepreneurs and investors – join Hack Tāmaki and help solve some real-world challenges put forward by Tāmaki businesses and community organisations. Hack Tāmaki is a 48-hour hackathon event that brings people

Each year, the Locate conference attracts national and international delegates from within and outside the spatial & surveying industry.  As Australia’s premier spatial & surveying conference, Locate provides guests with a unique opportunity to learn about the

2020 taught us our world is increasingly digitally reliant, in all aspects of life. It’s now critical for businesses to harness the competitive advantage high-quality data, well-rounded insights, and responsive technology offers. In this workshop, the attendees

Join us at three special events around the country as we announce the finalists for the 2021 NZ Hi-Tech Awards. These complementary events are exclusively for entrants, past award winners, judges, sponsors and supporters of the NZ Hi-Tech Awards.   Auckland

Join David Downs in Hamilton, who is the ITP’s All of Government taskforce lead, who will facilitate the workshops with AgriTechNZ’s Kenneth Irons (Chair) and Brendan O’Connell (Interim CEO).