Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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Join this interactive session where issues relevant to new, small or third party service providers will be discussed. The results of this workshop will inform the RBNZ’s future of money work program and the RBNZ’s external CBDC forum, they will also be

There’s been a lot of hooha about Web3 lately. But what is it really and why should we be paying attention?

Gaps in your knowledge on what Latin American markets might offer in terms of opportunity to your tech/digital solution? Wondering which of the markets is right for your solution? Mexico? Brazil? Chile?

There were 607 suicides in New Zealand last year in addition to 40x more suicide attempts. Suicide devastatingly impacts approximately 135 people per death. We need to do more to stop the pain and suffering of suicide.