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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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The Cultivate Trust Launch Event

Skypoint Skypoint Building, Waikato Innovation Park Limited, 1 Melody Lane, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand

The Cultivate Trust is pleased to invite members and supporters of the Waikato Tech community to our launch event

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Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week: What are the opportunities for New Zealand businesses?

The UAE has made it a strategic goal to accelerate the development of a sustainable ‘green’ national economy. The hosting of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW), the Middle East’s flagship sustainability event, is a key component in the UAE's positioning as a regional and global leader in sustainability and climate action. This webinar is designed for … Continue reading "Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week: What are the opportunities for New Zealand businesses?"

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