Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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FinTechNZ Launch – Auckland

NZTech, in association with Augen Software Group, invites you to the launch of FinTechNZ. The New Zealand Financial Innovation and Technology Association (FinTechNZ) is being established in response to the call for action from the financial services and technology innovation community, to come together, provide a collaborative voice, create connections, increase knowledge, support international growth … Continue reading "FinTechNZ Launch – Auckland"

Data Science & Big Data

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to extract knowledge or insights from data and turn them to business value such as reduced operational costs, and enhanced efficiency.   This week-long course will overview various data types with a focus on business data, data-driven innovations, different approaches for business data analysis and business forecasting with several … Continue reading "Data Science & Big Data"


Block chain & Smart contracts

NZTech Inform – rebuilding and recovery

The first session in November was a sell-out! Due to popular demand, new dates have been added for 2017: Auckland: 17 February 2017 Wellington: 13 February 2017   This half-day workshop is a practical introduction to Blockchain principles and technologies for business people. Delivered by experts Mark Pascall and Paul Salisbury, topics include the enablement … Continue reading "Block chain & Smart contracts"


NZSA Adaptive Product Strategy with Agile

At our February event, veteran agile leader Edwin Dando, General Manager – Education at Assurity Consulting will talk about how companies can use the power of iterative, incremental delivery coupled with Design Thinking to create an experiment-driven approach to product development and ultimately delighting customers. Since 2002, Edwin Dando has helped organisations re-think how they … Continue reading "NZSA Adaptive Product Strategy with Agile"

$35 – $55

NZTech Connect – Wellington

Budget 2019: What it means for the tech sector

Join the NZTech Board and Executive to welcome the new year. NZTech CEO, Graeme Muller will provide an update on the projects NZTech has underway for 2017 including IoT research, Artificial Intelligence research, the Digital Nation report update, the IoT Alliance, the tech NZStory, a tech Country Calendar-like TV program and of course Techweek’17. Let’s … Continue reading "NZTech Connect – Wellington"

From $20

The Blockchain and Smart Contracts

The first session in November was a sell-out! Due to popular demand, new dates have been added for 2017: Auckland: 17 February 2017 Wellington: 13 February 2017   This half-day workshop is a practical introduction to Blockchain principles and technologies for business people. Delivered by experts Mark Pascall and Paul Salisbury, topics include the enablement … Continue reading "The Blockchain and Smart Contracts"


3 Years to 2020: Business Disruption & Innovation Briefing

Our one-day workshops are for cross-sector professionals, to help them navigate the new world. This workshop explores and analyses the impact and speed of change and the impact driven by new innovations and emerging technologies, forging uncommon connections between technologies as the convergence of computer processing, cloud storage, the sharing economy and specific technological advances … Continue reading "3 Years to 2020: Business Disruption & Innovation Briefing"


Crowdsourcing and the Sharing Economy

This week-long course explores and analyses the impact and speed of crowdsourcing and the sharing economy, new buisness models built on social networks and collaboration. Understand the fundamentals and analyse case studies in social business, platform business models, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding and lean entrepreneurship. Each day will include: Tech news and conversations Course instruction and discussions Industry-led sessions … Continue reading "Crowdsourcing and the Sharing Economy"
