Tech Alliance Logo

The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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The Hub Series 2021


The Hub Series 2021 is underway with our opening event held on 20 May kicking off the series, and three online sessions coming up in June, July and August.

2021 ITX Innovation Days

ITx is New Zealand's largest independent tech conference, this year spread between 7 Innovation Days across the country.

AgriTechNZ & IoT Alliance – Connectivity and connected devices on farm

University Of Canterbury Engineering Core E7 Lecture Theatre, University of Canterbury, 63 Creyke Road,, Christchurch

Please join AgriTechNZ and the New Zealand IoT Alliance to explore the current state and future potential for connected agritech solutions in our primary industries.  

Free – $25

Celebrating InsurTechNZ

Tower Insurance 45 Queen Street, Auckland

InsurTechNZ is now a fully fledged industry Association with TechNZ. This event is both a celebration and chance to hear from members who are leading insurance innovation.

Free – $25