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May 18
12:40 pm - 1:40 pm
Event Type

TWTV: Useful data for reporting and mitigating climate change

Join us at Techweek TV to hear industry leaders in our panel discussion share their experiences and insights as they navigate the data challenges businesses are facing in relation to climate reporting.

To help businesses on their journey to reporting their scope 1, 2 and 3 Greenhouse Gas emissions, our panellists will:

  • share insights into the data challenges across a range of industries
  • discuss how these industries are addressing their challenges, and
  • debate the practicalities of applying their learnings to other industries.

Hear from:

  • Jack Bisset, Policy Manager, External Reporting Board
  • Jaime Nack, President, Three Squares Inc.
  • Jo Kelly, Chief Executive, Toitū Tahua Centre for Sustainable Finance
  • Leeanna Kohn-Hardy, CEO and Founder, finappster

Find out more about this event and the speakers, and watch this Techweek TV highlight.