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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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May 24
9:45 am - 2:00 pm

Tech21 Summit

This event is hosted in collaboration with Techweek2021 and is invite-only.


A one day Summit to spark inspiration for Technology Learning career pathways.
This event is invite-only.

What’s it all about?

The Ministry of Education and NZTech have partnered to host the Tech21 Summit, to inspire ākonga (learners) into technology careers. The one day Summit aims to spark inspiration for year 7 –10  ākonga while showcasing tech innovation and creativity, plus offering the opportunity to find out more about Technology Learning career pathways. 

The Tech21 Summit has a number of young entrepreneurs and digital disruptors sharing their stories with more than a thousand 12 to 14 year olds to inspire them into a career in tech.

The event will feature digital disruptor Amber Taylor, KidsCoin co-founder Brittany Teei, @girlbossnz founder Alexia Hilbertidou and more. Plus, a special performance by Kings, live at Tech21!

Watch the Tech21 Summit online and on-demand at Register and we’ll send you the viewing information closer to the time.

View the event website for more information.