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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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Jun 27
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Type



See Tomorrow First B2B Tech Research: Perceptions and Awareness of NZ Technology in AUS, UK, SNG and USA

Join our NZTE Market Research team to discover current perceptions and awareness of New Zealand Technology in offshore markets including US, UK, AUS and SNG.

Understand what drives key tech decision makers and buyers to purchase technology solutions, and how these drivers differ market to market and across tech sub-sectors.

Learn how to tailor your messaging to international markets based on tech buyers perceptions of New Zealand technology solutions.

We aim to answer the question “does country of origin matter to tech decision makers” to provide New Zealand tech companies with actionable steps to take when promoting their tech solutions offshore.

Understand how you can use and leverage See Tomorrow First campaign messaging to assist with your storytelling efforts in offshore markets.

Why attend?

  • Understand current perceptions of New Zealand Technology and how it may impact your messaging in offshore markets.
  • Learn whether ‘country of origin’ matters to tech decision makers and when you should promote ‘New Zealand’ within your brand proposition.
  • Understand what drives key tech decision makers to purchase technology, what is most important to them, and how this differs across different markets and subsectors.
  • Learn how current perceptions of New Zealand have positive and negative impacts on the perception of our technology our sector, and how we can collectively improve perceptions through unified messaging.