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Sep 20
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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PwC Tower, Level 22, 15 Customs Street West, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010
Auckland, 1010 New Zealand
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Redefining our Path: AI Strategy for Aotearoa (Sold out)

Sold Out.

Ahead of the Aotearoa AI Summit, please join our exclusive workshop as we evaluate and reshape Aotearoa’s AI Strategy.  During the last two years, dynamic shifts have seen a landscape of cautious AI exploration evolve with a dramatic surge of adoption. We know we want a thriving, world class, sustainable AI industry in Aotearoa and now is the time to rechart our path for the future. We’re convening thought leaders and chief executives from Aotearoa New Zealand’s major companies to reimagine our strategy. Our interactive session will explore:

  • how we envisage Aotearoa in five to ten years?
  • what our future industry looks like and who do we involve?
  • if we should aim to excel across the AI spectrum or concentrate on specific AI domains?
  • what are the steps we should take to realise our vision?
  • what elements do we already have in place to help us achieve this?
  • what potential barriers or obstacles may inhibit us?
  • how can we leverage our strengths to achieve our aspirations?

Join this pivotal workshop and help us create a comprehensive view to present to the incoming Government. AWS’s Digital Economy Strategic Advisor Tim Bradley is facilitating this workshop.


  • Date: Wednesday 20 September
  • Time: 12.00 – 4.00pm
  • Location: MinterEllisonRuddWatts, PwC Tower, Level 22, 15 Customs Street West, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010
  • Cost: Complimentary

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