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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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Mar 09
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Waikato Innovation Park
1 Melody Lane, Ruakura
Hamilton, 3216
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NZ Government Agritech ITP Workshop – Hamilton

In December, the New Zealand Cabinet approved a set of recommendations made by the Government’s Agritech Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) taskforce. These recommendations were created in part, as a result of the extensive feedback that the taskforce received from a number of regional industry workshops organised through 2019.

This new workshop is designed to share details of the actions and inititiaves. David Downs, the taskforce lead, will facilitate the workshop, seeking industry input into how best to deliver the recommendations. Peter Wren-Hilton, Executive Director of Agritech New Zealand, will provide some insights into the next phase of the Plan’s delivery and what support Agritech New Zealand will provide.

This is one of three workshops planned to engage with industry representatives and the research community. If you are interested in supporting the long-term development of New Zealand’s agritech sector, we urge you to register for, and participate in, this workshop.

This workshop is free to attend.