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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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Apr 11
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm



Latipay – Scaling the Great China Payments Wall

Bridging the gap between China and New Zealand.

You simply can’t ignore the stats. China is the world’s largest e-commerce market. By 2020 it is expected to be worth a staggering US$1.1 trillion. Accessing Chinese consumers through popular e-commerce sites is a growing and exciting opportunity, which Auckland company, Latipay, is opening up to NZ and Australian businesses.

Hear CEO Leigh Flounders explain how Latipay set about conquering China’s e-commerce digital frontier, and the challenges of dealing with growth while building a payment gateway to change the way Chinese consumers interact with Kiwi and Australian businesses.

Latipay is the first ever online payment service to provide CNY (Chinese Yuan) to NZD (New Zealand Dollar) and AUD (Australian Dollars) payments directly into NZD and AUD businesses’ bank accounts. In 2016 it was recognised as Tech Start Up Of The Year in the Australia/New Zealand Internet Awards (ANZIA).

Leigh’s passion is combining smart data and innovative business strategy. Over the last 15 years he has worked across central government, banking and finance, insurance, media, utilities and charity verticals. Prior to joining Latipay as CEO, Leigh was the founder and director of the first to market, data centric lead generation brand “Switch – The Mortgage Improvement Project”.

Leigh’s presentation will include great insights on:

  • Being global from day one
  • Securing off-shore venture capital funding
  • Partnering with the world’s leading payment providers
  • Gaining Chinese Government S.A.F.E (State Administration Of Foreign Exchange) approval.

Great networking and dinner too
The NZSA is a great opportunity to help advance your business through meeting and networking with Auckland’s software community leaders. Plus, each event includes wine tasting and a two-course meal.
