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Nov 27
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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FinTechNZ Roundtable – Competition for Personal Banking Services

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About the event:

Join us for an engaging online discussion at our FinTechNZ innovation roundtable with the Commerce Commission’s Market Studies team.

As part of its market study into personal banking services, the Commission wants to hear from the fintech community, particularly experiences of entry and expansion in the New Zealand market, and any impediments to new or innovative banking products or services, business models or disruptive firms.

Don’t miss this opportunity to share your views with the Commission. Its draft report will be published around March 2024 and the views and experiences of challenger providers are critical to feed into the study and any potential recommendations made by the Commission to improve competition. The Commission published its Preliminary Issues paper on 10 August 2023 (including a one-page summary) which proposes a focus on deposit accounts and home loans.

To enable free and frank discussion, this roundtable is targeted at FinTechs (rather than bank providers) who wish to contribute to the market study, and who may not have alternative opportunities to do so.

If you’re unable to make it or you prefer to provide feedback on an individual basis, you can reach out to the Commerce Commission by email at  You can also sign up to receive updates on the study via the Commission website.

You may be aware the Commission is currently seeking feedback on Payments between bank accounts. While there is a shared understanding of this work, the Market Study is a distinct piece of work, undertaken by a separate team within the Commission.

Event details:

  • Date: Monday, 27 November 2023
  • Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Cost: Free