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ecentre Lunchbag Seminar Series – Funding options for startups

Every startup needs a strategy for how it will fund activities while expenses run higher than revenues. Whether the company is bootstrapping, getting seed investment, selling equity or crowdfunding there needs to be a plan on when and how the funds are raised.  Find out about investors and investor groups in the Auckland region and what funding is available from Government.

Most startups have limited resources and need funds to keep going. This seminar will help you plan efficiently and create a capital plan that gives investors and stakeholders confidence that the business will have the cash when needed.

Presented by ecentre Ltd

Steve Corbett has been helping startups with funding for 15 years and is an experienced mentor and investor. As CEO of ecentre he mentors early stage companies and provides financial advice to help them succeed. Previously a partner at Deloittes and qualified as a CA Steve brings a lot of expertise to share at this seminar.

Full details and registration available here


Apr 19
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Event Type


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