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Jan 27
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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Cyber Security Professional Development

Current dynamics in cyber security and how you and your company can keep ahead of the risks.

IT professional development talk on cyber security to help companies, government agencies and other software development groups to upskill and understand current risks and best practice.

With New Zealand’s growing economic base in software companies and reliance on IT systems for the functioning of essential services from healthcare to banking and payroll, we need to keep up to date with the cyber security environment. NZTech has also identified the need to develop local skills to fill some of the demand for advanced IT professionals that Covid has impacted.

Join us to hear Associate Professor Ian Welch and Assistant Lecturer Lisa Patterson discussing: Current dynamics in cyber security and how you and your company can keep ahead of the risks.

The talk includes some content for an upcoming micro-credential online course offered by Ian’s department which you can see here.


Associate Professor Ian Welch

Currently Associate Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington.   Ian’s career has included commercial and IT experience across government, “Big 4 consulting”, and health systems in Aotearoa New Zealand and the UK. Contributing to projects like the five nation European Union project Malicious and Fault Tolerant Internet Applications and the Dependable Systems of Systems project focusing upon adaptive distributed systems to increase their reliability.

Ian is a member of the New Zealand Internet Task Force, was a judge for the New Zealand iSANZ awards for excellence in Information Security in 2014, was co-leader of the New Zealand Honeypot chapter for more than five years, remain a member of the Honeyproject, have been a mentor for the Google Summer of Code.

Assistant Lecturer Lisa Patterson 

Currently an Assistant Lecturer of Computer Science at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, Lisa is passionate about the importance of cybersecurity, undertaking a PhD focusing on data privacy and security for everyday users in Aotearoa NZ. Coming from a professional background, Lisa has held a wide variety of roles in the financial services industry in Aotearoa and overseas, working in Customer Service, Project Management, Sales and Marketing before pivoting to study IT. Topping her undergraduate cohort, Lisa held networking and lecturing roles in the tertiary education sector before completing her Master of IT.

Since commencing her PhD journey at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington, Lisa has lectured and tutored cybersecurity and engineering students. In addition to this, Lisa has facilitated and analysed qualitative research groups in industry and worked in a team appealing declined insurance claims. She holds a governance position on the Board of Trustees at a local school. Her wide range of experience allows her to relate well to a diverse range of learners from many areas of society.



Please join us for the talk and have an opportunity to discuss the cyber security environment in NZ today.

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