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Jun 22
3:45 pm - 6:00 pm
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Hamilton, + Google Map

Animal Health Curious Innovation series (Hamilton)

Animal Health Curious?

BioTechNZ is running the Animal Health Curious Innovation series across Aotearoa with the support of Callaghan Innovation.

Aotearoa New Zealand’s rich agricultural history and economy is built on primary production with animals playing an important role in our lives. Local biotech companies have also developed strengths in niche fields within the animal health and research sector.

Improving animal health requires a multi-disciplinary approach and our new event series aims to create greater connections, collaboration and increased research outcomes. This includes animal health professionals, industry, policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders.

Please bring a friend, colleague or plus one who is interested in animal health to help build our community.

Event Details:

  • Date: Thursday 22 June
  • Time:  3.45pm – 6.00pm
    • 3:45pm Networking venue opens – networking starts
    • 4:00pm Welcome and overview Dr Zahra Champion, Executive Director, BioTechNZ and Duncan Mackintosh, Senior Investment Manager, Brandon Capital
      • Panel:
        • Facilitator Nick Gaddum, Chief Scientific Officer DEC
        • Nikki Cuff Research, Development and Licensing (RDL) Manager · Virbac New Zealand Ltd
        • David Gill, Chief Scientific Officer Cannasouth
        • Janneke van Wagtendonk, Managing Director New Zealand and Australia · AHV International
        • Tala Saxon-Aliifaalogo, Business Development Manager Agrisea
        • Scott MacDougal, Research Manager – Cognosco
    • 5.00 – 6.00pm Drinks, finger food and informal networking
  • Location: The Long Room, Wintec House, City Campus, Hamilton
    • Walking access to Wintec House, can be via the cnr of Anglesea and Ward Streets (lift access too) or Nisbet Street (up the concrete stairs)
    • Parking: Being situated in the heart of the city allows a number of parking options. There are a number of commercial parking buildings close by
  • Event Type: Physical
  • Cost: Free 

Event Series Dates:

About this event series:
The Animal Health Curious Innovation series is connecting innovation, investment, partnerships and networking opportunities.

Supported by:

 soda DEC

We respectfully ask that all participants planning to attend an in person event are healthy and well. Should you be unable to attend due to illness or isolation we request that you stay home. Please let us know if you are unable to attend by emailing with your name and the event date.