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Jul 09
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category:

All about Organic Farming (for Japanese businesses)

This is an event run in partnership with NZTE

This webinar will cover an introduction to the New Zealand outdoor pasture-based livestock industry, brief history of the some major changes in the dairy and beef cattle industries over the last 30 years, and the types of dairy and beef cattle farm systems found in New Zealand and thoughts on organic milk and beef production.


Dr Alec Mackay, Principal Scientist, AgResearch

Dr. Alec Mackay is based on the Grasslands campus in Palmerston North. He has a B Agric Sci (Hons) and a PhD in Soil Science from Massey University and is a Fellow, Life Member and Past President of the New Zealand Society of Soil Science. He was recently awarded the Ray Brougham Trophy by the New Zealand Grasslands Trust for outstanding national contributions to pastoral farming industries. His research includes the influence of pasture agriculture practices on legume-based pastures, soil fertility, organic matter, pore function and biology as it influences soil processes and the provision of a wide range of services. He is also involved in refinements to land evaluation and development of next generation farm systems modelling and planning tools. He works closely with industry and landowners.

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