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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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3 Years to 2020: Business Disruption & Innovation Briefing

Our one-day workshops are for cross-sector professionals, to help them navigate the new world. This workshop explores and analyses the impact and speed of change and the impact driven by new innovations and emerging technologies, forging uncommon connections between technologies as the convergence of computer processing, cloud storage, the sharing economy and specific technological advances redefine business, the economy and the future.

Planning for a world of increased uncertainty requires a new framework of knowledge and business agility to remain competitive, relevant and innovative in a time of great advancement. The questions we all need to be asking require increased understanding of the future and how to forecast disruption and lead through change.

We provide Business Leaders, Government policy makers and Entrepreneurs the ability to step into the future for an intense briefing and workshop providing the knowledge, skills and capability to prepare for the road ahead.




Feb 17
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
Event Type



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