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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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Feb 24
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
From $1299
Event Category:


Te Papa Tongarewa
55 Cable Street Wellington 6011 New Zealand
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2021 NZ Cyber Security Summit

As we operate within an increasingly digital environment, businesses, governments and
societies are coming under a growing number of threats from cyber-attacks. Organisations are
needing to bring cyber-security to the forefront of their digital strategy to ensure they are
operating at their peak and to protect both customers and staff.

Delegates will hear from subject matter experts and peers at the coal face of cybersecurity as
they discuss the realities of cyber within the modern business environment. With a selection of
Roundtables available, attendees will be able to customise their experience and connect with
the topics that matter the most.

The one-day summit will feature topics on:

  • New Zealand’s cybersecurity industry
  • Cyber trends
  • Security leadership and Cyber literacy
  • Human behaviour
  • Cybersecurity recovery


Why you should attend the Cyber Security Summit:

  • Network and connect with tech industry leaders, policymakers and security professionals as we bring all facets of this industry together
  • Personalise your experience with interactive roundtable discussions on cyber security nuances
  • Quick-fire presentations allow you to get in insight into the latest trends influencing the sector
  • As a vendor, it’s an opportunity for you to showcase your product or solution to end users