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2017 Internet of Things Conference

IoT has the potential to be one of the most disruptive technologies in decades. However, as with any rapid change, questions begin emerging. Just how much of an impact could IoT have on New Zealand businesses? Are we ready for IoT? What are the opportunities? What risks are involved? What do we need to do to manage the risks?

The 2017 Internet of Things Conference will bring together a wide range of IoT experts to cover key themes and commercial aspects for companies that are positioning to take advantage of the emerging explosion in IoT technology. The focus will be on practical benefits and IoT business value for New Zealand businesses.

Come and hear from the experts and network with other New Zealand businesses grappling with making IoT real.


Conference attendance is limited to CIOs, IT Directors and other senior IT and business executives in non-vendor organisations. IDC reserve the right to refuse attendance to any person not fitting these job descriptions, or from a vendor organisation. 



Nov 08
8:00 am - 6:00 pm



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