The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceBrigitte knows how Government works and is passionate about making NZTech’s voice heard. Meet our Wellington based Government Relations Manager, Brigitte Morten.
What drives you to make a difference?
As a child, it took me a long time to realise that most families didn’t spend their weekends stacking firewood for an elderly neighbour or fundraising for a child cancer camp. My parents taught me a valuable lesson, that looking out for others in your community should be something you strive to do daily. I believe Government is an extension of our community and has the ability to aid, empower, obstruct and support. However, Government will only be a positive influence when it can see and hear the people that it represents. I am driven to help communities engage with Government, to ensure it is working for them, not the other way round.
What is your approach to problem solving at work?
When an issue comes across my desk, I go directly to the source for clarification. Often change can be miscommunicated, opportunities mistakenly viewed as risk or a perception of placing burden. When problem solving, my first question is always, ‘is this actually a problem’.
How do you manage pressure?
A quick walk around the block can do amazing things to clear my mind and reset priorities, otherwise whiskey and trash TV!
Favourite productivity tip?
Ditch what isn’t urgent or important. I am long time fan of Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix classifying tasks as Urgent, Not Important; Important, Not Urgent; and Urgent, Not Important. During seven years of daily use, I have learned to drop the last category, Not urgent; Not important. If it’s not urgent or important, why am I bothering to write it down?
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
Your reputation is the most valuable asset you have.
What inspires you?
Every day I meet people doing interesting things that I didn’t even know existed or could be done. If they can do it – why can’t I?
What do you do when you are not working?
I enjoying walking in the bush most weekends and fortunately living in Wellington, this is easy to do with walkways on our doorstep. I also support the local economy by socialising with friends in local bars and cafes.
What devices do you use most?
It’s all about the phone – nothing else really gets a look in.
Favourite social media?
For escapism, I love Instagram and I enjoy following the amazing professional achievements of others on LinkedIn.
What technology could you simply not live without?
Cameras on phones are amazing! The ability to capture the moment, no matter where you are (and then spam your friends with it) is just awesome.
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