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The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.

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NZSA: Culture and Performance – Lessons from Trade Me

Don’t try and change a culture the way I tried

Ruth Brown - TrademeAs Head of User Experience at Trade Me since 2012 Ruth Brown ensures that millions of Kiwis enjoy buying and selling on NZ’s largest internet based auction website. Ruth is an expert in UX who learned first-hand how not to change culture, before figuring out what works.

Ruth will tell her dramatic tale of making Trade Me’s culture more user-focused, and share her experiences:

  • Breaking Trade Me’s seventh value (‘Don’t be a dick’) and then making up for it
  • Identifying and diagnosing a company culture
  • Messing things up and top down culture change failures

Ruth loves users. Ruth’s first love was engineering until she realised that people were more interesting than maths. On a good day she gets to do both.  In the past she worked at Optimal Experience helping some of NZ’s best companies produce great things for their users.

Ruth Brown on LinkedIn

We look forward to seeing you there!

The NZSA is a great opportunity to help advance your business through meeting and networking with Auckland’s software community leaders. Plus, each event includes wine tasting and a two-course meal.


Networking: 5.30 – 6:00pm
Wine tasting & Dinner: from 6.15 pm
Presenter: 7.00 pm
Dessert and Networking: 7.30 pm
*These timings are a guideline and are subject to change

Note: Bookings are essential as we need to have adequate seating and catering. If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know when you order your ticket.



Oct 10
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Type

