The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceCallaghan Innovation and the AI Forum, New Zealand’s community of artificial intelligence technology champions, is today launching AI Governance, a new website to drive leadership in the responsible use and governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Aotearoa New Zealand.
AI Governance will be launched at an AI Forum responsible AI event hosted by Creative HQ, Wellington’s innovation hub. Part of a collaboration between the AI Forum and Callaghan Innovation, the website will provide a curated set of frameworks, tools, and approaches that will offer thought leadership and advice on responsible AI governance in this country.
“The potential of AI is exciting, and we don’t yet know all that it can do. However, we must take an evidence-based approach to the way that AI is used in New Zealand in the future, focusing on addressing challenges to realise opportunities. This new website will bring together the latest thinking from within industry on how we tackle the way that AI could be used, and governed, in the future,” says AI Forum Executive Director Madeline Newman.
The new website comes in the wake of recent research[1] indicating that although more than 50 per cent of New Zealand business leaders from 200 companies currently use a form of AI in their work, little consideration has been given to setting up best practice AI governance.
Callaghan Innovation Digital & AI Whare Head Sarah Sun says that countries globally are currently grappling with how to go about implementing effective AI governance frameworks.
“We are pleased to partner with the AI Forum, which brings together this country’s community of AI leaders as we work together and look toward an exciting future for AI in Aotearoa,” she says.
The collaboration between the AI Forum and Callaghan Innovation seeks to bring together leaders in the field of AI to provide thought-leadership and offer access to tools that embed responsible governance in the use of AI. The website provides curated frameworks and tools that will help to underpin the development of future responsible AI governance.
The AI Forum brings together New Zealand’s community of artificial intelligence technology innovators, end-users, investor groups, regulators, researchers, educators, entrepreneurs and interested public to work together to find ways to use AI.
“We don’t yet have all the answers, but the mission of the AI Forum is to draw upon our network and advance New Zealand’s AI ecosystem, and promote the economic opportunities that could come from smart, and responsible use of AI. We must do this in collaboration with those at the frontline of this field so it’s great to have Callaghan Innovation’s support as we set out on this important work,” says AI Forum Executive Director Madeline Newman.
This much anticipated website will be a free resource for all, with an evergreen approach meaning additional content will be added regularly by the AI Forum. A beta version of the website was revealed at the AI Summit – Atamai Tuatahi held by the AI Forum last month. The AI Summit – Atamai Tuatahi was a one day event that featured presentations, panel discussions, roundtables and half day pre-event workshops for AI leaders.
The new website can be accessed at http://aigovernance.nz
[1] (https://www.thepost.co.nz/a/business/350061392/new-research-reveals-dangerous-gap-between-ai-knowledge-and-its-use#:~:text=Datacom%20research%20to%20be%20released,used%20a%20form%20of%20AI.)