The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceLast week, at the Aotearoa AI Summit, Minister Clark shared that “the Digital Technologies Industry Transformation Plan is a key tool to help drive the growth of New Zealand’s digital technologies sector. A sector that will provide the digital tools necessary to unlock our economy’s digital transformation. The potential of this sector in a COVID-recovery context is also central to the Government’s commitment to developing this industry transformation plan.”
Minister Clark went on to say that “the government will be developing a new Digital Strategy for Aotearoa. This strategy will establish an overarching framework to drive New Zealand’s digital transformation. The creation of the Strategy will help ensure that we have a cohesive and appropriate work programme to reap the full potential of what digital offers us as a country, while always managing the associated risks. Through this Strategy, New Zealand will be able to embrace the potential of emerging digital technologies such as AI, in order to drive economic growth for the benefit of all New Zealanders.”
Read more about what was discussed at the Aotearoa AI Summit, from a national strategy to solving some of the world’s biggest challenges. We’ve summarised the key highlights here.
In other news, we have successfully resolved the misunderstanding that led to recent negative social media about NZTech. Last week, I joined NZTech’s Chair, Māori Board members and management team and attended a kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) hui in Tauranga Moana with Lee Timutimu and Awhina Ngātuere, the co-founders of Ko Māui Hangarau. The purpose of the hui was to discuss concerns about similarities between the Tech21 and Ko Māui Hangarau events. The hui was very productive and achieved a good level of mutual understanding and respect. Together, we established and acknowledged how and where the concerns originated. An understanding was reached that Ko Māui Hangarau was not plagiarised. NZTech was able to share how the Tech21 Summit was actually coordinated by the Ministry of Education and co-designed by students and teachers from Auckland schools. NZTech’s role was to connect the tech sector to the event. Please read our full response here.
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive.
This time next week, Techweek2021 will be well underway, so if you haven’t registered to attend events in person or online, don’t miss out. I am really looking forward to starting my week at Tech21 with nearly 1500 students and hundreds of teachers being inspired by tech entrepreneurs and innovators. Likewise, at the end of an exciting event-filled week, I’ll be joining another 1500 people at the Hi-Tech Awards to celebrate local tech. With over 300 events throughout New Zealand there is something for everyone at Techweek2021!
P.S. Check out BECA’s event playlist here and stay up to date on all Techweek2021 news here.
Ngā mihi Graeme Muller
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