The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThere is never a dull moment for our executive committee and this month has been no exception. Our entire team has been working to develop content for upcoming events with our colleagues from BlockChainNZ and the IoT Alliance, plus developing our spot on Techweek TV during Techweek2021.
As we know, LocationTech does not regard Location as a stand alone industry, but rather we recognise that location, the analysis of spatial information and the provision of location based services are integral to many other industries. It is with this mindset that we partner with other members of the Tech Alliance to host speakers who support this narrative.
With this in mind, we are delighted to announce our first joint event with the New Zealand IoT Alliance. Data decisions in the built environment’ will explore how location and IoT combine to provide decision makers with the means to understand the urban context. Please save the date for 10 June in Auckland at Tech Future Labs.
Following this, our next event is with BlockchainNZ on 29 June, also in Auckland. We will explore how Blockchain and location work together and the emerging opportunities this creates.
If you are in Auckland, please ensure you attend these events and benefit from meeting with fellow professionals. Further details for both events, will follow in due course.
Later this month, we will celebrate local innovation during Techweek2021. Techweek is a nationwide series of events, showcasing and celebrating New Zealand innovation. There are plenty of events to choose from and more are being added regularly, so remember to keep checking back. The annual festival runs 22-30 May and this year LocationTech will be part of the Techweek TV programme, so please attend our session.
Finally, this month we take a closer look at Location Based Services (LBS) and how this hidden technology has become so mainstream that most forget just how important LBS are. Read more.
Ngā mihi
Chris Morris
Deputy Chairperson
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