The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceLast week, the AI Forum released a major study about the potential for AI in New Zealand. It is available free on the AI Forum website: Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand.
The report is the culmination of nearly a year’s work with research partners IDC and Sapere, examining the local and international AI landscapes and investigating potential impacts on New Zealand’s economy and society. The report identifies key opportunities which New Zealand can invest in now to actively shape our collective future.
At a glance, the report shows that New Zealand has a young and growing AI ecosystem, however major AI investment by other countries around the world raises challenges for New Zealand to keep up with global AI advancement. The report finds that AI has the potential to increase New Zealand GDP by up to $54b by 2035, as AI and automation frees people up to focus on more complex, higher value tasks in their jobs. It may also help address potential labour shortages and the demographic challenge of an ageing workforce.
The report also explores the challenges that AI presents for our society; for jobs, the law and new ethical considerations. There are long term implications for core legal principles like legal responsibility, agency and causation. AI raises many new ethical concerns relating to bias, fairness, transparency and accountability.
This detailed report is an excellent piece of work that is already increasing the national discussion about AI and initial policy discussion. An additional launch event is happening this week in Auckland and next week in Christchurch.
Meanwhile, enjoy your week.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller
Join NZSA on 8 May in Auckland for Making Data Pay. Join NZBio on 25 May in Auckland for What is the Next Bioactive Opportunity?
Attend Showcasing New Zealand Tech on 17 May in Christchurch to celebrate the launch of AIFNZ’s research report. Plus the latest from EdTechNZ, FinTechNZ, NZIoTA, NZTech and TechWomen.
Join FinTechNZ for their Connect Event series on 9 May in Wellington and 16 May in Auckland. Hear local startup story from RIP Global’s founder Mel Gollan.
We’re hiring! We need an experienced project manager to lead our passionate team for Techweek’19. More details here.
Join us for the official opening of Techweek’18 at the Good For the World Open Days on 21 May in Auckland. Check out the headline events and highlights here.
Join TechWomen’s Edwina Mistry at the Hutt Stemm Festival on 16 May in Wellington. Also, TechWomen’s first Dunedin event, There’s Room – Broadening our Networks Together, on 21 May.
Been involved in an IT project dispute recently? The NZ International Arbitration Centre is conducting research on the main causes of misalignment in IT project and services engagements. Share your experience via their survey.
The Digital Skills Forum would like to potentially test the value of short term IT internships. If you deliver or support internships, please contact us to find out more.
Sign up as a ShadowTech mentor and inspire girls into tech. Register for the New Zealand Education Technology Summit, 3-4 July in Auckland and ITx, 11-13 July in Wellington. Tahi Rua Toru Tech is open for registrations at 123tech.nz.
Read Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand here.
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