The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceKia Ora Readers,
Last Friday, I attended the showcase event for the first intake of fellows on the Edmund Hillary Fellowship, a truly unique initiative to build a community of world class entrepreneurs and investors right here in New Zealand. What I saw blew me away! The quality of this first cohort is amazing. The investors in the group are managing US$3.7b in funds, the entrepreneurs have 421 years combined entrepreneurial experience and the group includes Emmy award winners, rocket scientists, former merchant bankers, slam poets and more.
This initiative is well backed by Immigration New Zealand who have developed the Global Impact Visa to enable the Edmund Hillary Fellows to make a global impact from New Zealand. It will be very interesting to watch the new Government’s approach to immigration. Hopefully, a reduction in numbers won’t have a detrimental effect on this world leading programme.
There will be plenty to do over the next few months as the new Government settles in; new relationships to be built and briefings to be had. I’m sure we are all looking forward to see their approach to science, R&D, entrepreneurs, trade, education and other parts of society that impact the tech sector, or are impacted by tech.
Regardless of what new politicians decide, the world of tech will continue moving forward. Last week, I attended the AI Forum’s Connect Event in Wellington which hosted an engaging panel discussion, AI – what should New Zealand be doing about it? Discussion included local AI applications being deployed, education, job automation, legal implications, safety concerns and barriers to accelerating AI adoption.
Also this week, Techweek’s new online planning forum is being launched. Techweek Discovery, allows people to meet, pitch and pool their resources to create high quality events during Techweek’18. This process was created to help the Techweek community work together to create great events. If you would like to run, participate in, or sponsor a Festival event, it’s the best place to begin your planning. Register at techweek.co.nz
Enjoy the short week.
Graeme Muller
PS: Please save the date for our Christmas drinks; 30 November in Wellington, 6 December in Auckland and 7 December in Christchurch.
Pre order now. Available next week!
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Join us tomorrow in Wellington!
The next BANZ Blockchain Gathering is 26 October in Auckland. Canterbury Tech’s next event is 7 November.
Interested in entering the 2018 Hi-Tech Awards? Attend launch events in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
FinTechNZ hosts their Connect in Auckland today. Also join Finnotec 2017 on 3 November, also in Auckland.
Passionate about Wellington tech? WREDA is currently recruiting for a Sector Development & Investment Attraction Manager for the ICT sector. Applications close 27 October.
For a Blockchain introduction or deep dive check out Tech Futures Labs workshops. Also join Frances Valintine at Business Disruption and Innovation, 27 October or 15 December in Auckland.
Attend Callaghan’s workshop with innovator Langdon Morris for Prosper or Perish, in Auckland next month. Also, Innovating with Light on 9 November. Food for Thought is 10 November.
NZVRARA’s Virtual Gets Real reports the local VR/AR industry is set to be worth more than $320m within two years. Meanwhile, more kiwis are buying into the benefits of AI.
Following the FMA’s robo-advice news, FinTechNZ’s James Brown says the financial sector will be able to provide their clients with unprecedented online advice from next year.
Following the FMA’s robo-advice news, FinTechNZ’s James Brown says the financial sector will be able to provide their clients with unprecedented online advice from next year.
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