The New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceThe New Zealand Tech Alliance is a group of independent technology associations from across New Zealand that work together to ensure a strong voice for technology.
Visit Tech AllianceHi Readers,
I thought you may like a quick update on significant NZTech event projects that are currently in development:
Mark your diary for 19-20 February for Digital Nations 2030. This Summit brings together leading digital governments and international thought leaders alongside local leaders to develop a digital vision. The Summit will be an excellent opportunity to learn which strategies are working overseas and how they can be adapted for our local economy. On day two, separate forums provide a deep dive into Future Education and Workforce, Future Health, Future Society, Future Productive Sectors and Future Finance.
We have designed the Summit not to be a talk-fest, but to focus on purposeful discussions to develop a digital vision for New Zealand by 2030. We will also explore what policy and investment may be required to achieve the vision. Digital Nations 2030 is an industry inclusive summit supported by the New Zealand Government. The event is being delivered by NZTech and our event partner Conferenz. It is now open for early bird registrations.
Other event planning which is well underway is Techweek’18. We are designing a strong core of major events throughout New Zealand to attract international guests. Research shows that while most people overseas don’t think New Zealand produces any hi-tech, they do think we are creative and use hi-tech in areas we already known for (like food production, environmental care, sports, movies and tourism). We are considered a great place, the people are first-rate and we do things that are good for the world. So, at Techweek’18 we are promoting this message to showcase local tech that is good for the world. Find out how you can be part of Techweek’18.
Meanwhile, following the success of our first Board appointed Internship, we are now looking for another intern. This special role was created last year and held by Dil Khosa: read what her year on the Board was really like and how you can get involved.
All the best.
Graeme Muller
Join us this month in Wellington
Pre-order your copy of No.8 Re-charged
Join NZTech Women on Ada Lovelace Day, tomorrow in Wellington for their screening of Code: Debugging the Gender Gap.
Join NZVRARA for Digital Realities: Making the Value Real, 11 October in Wellington and 18 October in Auckland.
Join the AI Forum of New Zealand in Wellington on 18 October. Also join FinTechNZ on 24 October in Auckland.
Project Connect presents Indiegogo’s Kate Drane on 6 and 7 November in Auckland. We have tickets to giveaway, first email wins a double pass to the keynote.
Massey University presents Surviving Automation: Skills for the Future on 17 October in Auckland, 18 October in Wellington and 19 October in Christchurch.
Callaghan is hosting two forums in Auckland next month. Join Innovating with Light on 9 November. Food for Thought is 10 November.
Are you a hi-tech company ready for investment? Register to meet investors at the China New Zealand Hi-Tech Summit on 16 October in Auckland.
The NZBio Annual Conference is 12-13 October in Wellington. The Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Agriculture is 16-18 October in Hamilton.
Applications for the Kiwibank FinTech Accelerator close 1 December. The three month programme commences in February 2018.
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